by Kristy Buda
When you take your little ones to Disney, you know they are going to be treated like royalty. If you’re looking for something extra to make sure this is the BEST trip ever, look no further. My Disney Girl’s Perfectly Princess Tea Party will create an experience that your little girl will never forget (and yes, boys can also attend!)
My Disney Girl’s Perfectly Princess Tea Party
Where: This is only offered at the Grand Floridian
When: Once a day in the mornings around 9am, not offered on Tuesdays or Thursdays.
Cost: $333.64 for one adult & one child (ages 3-9) Each additional child is $234.08 and $98.66 per adult (age 10+) Admission for those under the age of 3 is free but it will not include any gifts.
What exactly is this? A meal? A show? It’s kind of both to be honest.
It begins with an announcement outside of the Garden View Tea Room just off the main lobby in the Grand Floridian Resort & Spa. Each child is called up by name to receive her crown and to get her picture taken with the tea party’s host, Miss Rose Petal (you will learn about her story as well).
You are then led to your table where there’s a surprise Aurora doll waiting for your girl (boys can get a bear instead).
Adults are served hot tea and a plate of finger sandwiches, cheese, crackers & fruit. Children are served apple juice in a tea cup and finger sandwiches (pb&j along with cheese & sprinkles to decorate) and fruit.
This is not a meal you will fill up on. The piano player makes his way around the room to introduce himself and talk to each of the kids. Then he begins to play while everyone enjoys their food.
Rose Petal leads everyone in a few singalongs. Then the kids are asked to come to the middle of the room where they learn sign language with one of the songs. Princess Aurora then makes her magical appearance surprising all of the children.
After the big surprise, Aurora begins making her way around the room for pictures while the beautiful cake is cut and served to everyone. Aurora also gives each girl a real rose when she visits your table.
Rose Petal also makes her way around the room visiting with each table and giving each girl a matching necklace (the same she is wearing). The kids also get a few other surprise gifts to take home with them.
Then the kids are taken into the lobby where they partake in a parade (all of the cast members wave and smile as they walk by). We were then told that we could go upstairs where there was a set up for a Photopass photographer to take a picture of our girls with their dolls and flowers.
We were also directed to a desk in one of the gift shops where they filled out a birth certificate for their doll and gave us a few sheets of scrapbooking stickers.
All in all, it is an expensive experience. It’s also something my daughter still talks about almost 4 years later. No dining plan covers this, it must be paid for when it’s booked. If you’re looking for something very special for your little princess, this is such a fun time.
Contact your favorite agent from A Time to Treasure Travel to book this experience today!